Regional travel in Peru – Travel program PTW-TAM012-en

Bird watching at Posada Amazonas

3 days / 2 nights – Start: daily


Program tailored to bird watching with a specialized guide. Overnight at the Posada Amazonas Lodge, co-owned by locals from the village of Infierno.

Day 1: Puerto Maldonado to Posada Amazon Lodge

Blue headed macaw• Reception at the airport in Puerto Maldonado.

• Transfer to the office in Puerto Maldonado. In order not to overload the boat, we ask that you only take the bare minimum for the next few days. The remaining luggage can be safely stored in the office during this time.

• Transfer to the port with occasional stops to look out for some birds such as Chestnut jacamar, White-browed blackbird, Pearl kite and Scaled pigeon.

• Boat trip on the Tambopata to the Posada Amazon Lodge. Lunch on the boat. Occasional stops during the boat trip to spot birds such as River lapwing, Collared plover, King vulture, Bat falcon, Para oropendola, Russet-backed oropendola, Ringed kingfisher and Amazon kingfisher.

Orinoco goose• Arrival at the lodge.

• Orientation to stay at the lodge.

• Dinner.

• Overnight stay at the Posada Amazonas Lodge.

Day 2: Posada Amazonas

• Breakfast.

• A half-hour walk to a 30 m high lookout tower, which allows bird watching from the tree tops. Mixed flocks of birds are common here. These consist largely of different types of tanagers such as Paradise tanager, Green-and-gold tanager, Flame-crested tanager, Turquoise tanager and Opal-rumped tanager. Cream-Capped heroncolored woodpecker, Gilded barbet, Plum-throated cotinga and Striolated puffbird can also be easily observed. Macaws and toucans fly by, including Chestnut-eared aracari, Lettered aracari, Emerald toucanet, Curl-crested aracari, and Ivory-billed aracari. Also the best opportunity to watch eagles and harpies in flight.

• A hiding place at a parrot lick just 20 minutes from the lodge has a variety of parrots and parakeets that come here in clear weather to feed on clay on the riverbanks, including Southern mealy parrot, Yellow-headed parrot, Blue-headed parrot and Dusky-headed parakeet. It becomes active at the salt lick at dawn, in the late morning and in the middle of the afternoon.

• Lunch.

• On the «Shahue trail» the special features are: Fiery-capped manakin, Round-tailed manakin, Pale-winged trumpeter and Pavonine quetzal.

• Dinner.

• Overnight stay at the Posada Amazonas Lodge.

Tui parakeetDay 3: Posada Amazonas

• Breakfast.

• Excursion in the bamboo forests around the lake «Tres Chimbadas». We're on the lookout for the endemic White-cheeked tody-tyrant, Peruvian recurvebill, Red-billed scythebill, Rufous-headed woodpecker, Rufous-breasted piculet, Brown-rumped foliage-gleaner, Large-headed flatbill, Dusky-tailed flatbill, Crested foliage-gleaner, Flammulated bamboo-tyrant, Dot-winged antwren, Ornate stipplethroat, Rufous-crested antbird, Rufous-capped nunlet, Pheasant cuckoo and Striped cuckoo.

• Lunch.

• Variegated tinamou, Amazonian motmot, Rufous motmot, Golden-crowned spadebill, Curl-crested aracari and mixed flocks of birds can be observed on the «Shije'eje Trail». A small salt lick will attract Dusky-headed parakeet, Black-capped parakeet, Cobalt-winged parakeet and Spix's guans.

Round tailed manakin• Dinner.

• Overnight stay at the Posada Amazonas Lodge.

Day 4: Posada Amazonas

• Breakfast.

• A half-hour boat ride and another half-hour walk leads to the Tres Chimbadas Lake, an oxbow lake that also includes palm swamps and grasslands. Stand out here: Pale-vented pigeon, Azure gallinule, Black-backed swamphen, Slender-billed kite, Snail kite, Rufescent tiger-heron, Sungrebe, Green ibis, Grey-breasted crake, Rufous-sided crake, and two classic Amazon must-sees: Horned screamer and Hoatzin.

• Lunch.

• Excursion to the secondary forest. Secondary forest can come about in different ways: degraded forest recovering from selective logging or areas cleared by fire for agriculture. In general, secondary forest is characterized by less Hoatzindeveloped canopies and smaller trees. Birds that prefer these circumstances are among others: Barred antshrike, Short-tailed pygmy-tyrant, Streaked flycatcher, Boat-billed flycatcher, Solitary cacique, Grey-fronted dove, Ruddy ground-dove.

• Dinner.

• Night time excursion around the lodge to hear and spot nocturnal birds such as Pauraque, Tawny-bellied screech-owl, Great potoo, Long-tailed potoo, Ocellated poorwill and with luck, Mottled owl or Crested owl. Other nocturnal creatures can also be spotted, such as American bullfrogs, horned frogs and tree frogs.

• Overnight stay at the Posada Amazonas Lodge.

Day 5: from Posada Amazonas to Puerto Maldonado

• Breakfast.

• Boat trip to Puerto Maldonado.

• Excursion to Laberinto. First 40 km by car on the road to Cusco, then turnoff to Laberinto on the «Madre de Dios» river. Occasional stops to look for birds in this deforested area. We may see: Crested Blue and yellow macawCaracara, Black-shouldered Kite, Black-faced tanager, Red-breasted blackbird, White-browed blackbird, Scaled pigeon, Point-tailed palmcreeper, Sulphury flycatcher, Grey-lined hawk, White-tailed hawk and the rare South american snipe.

• Return to Puerto Maldonado.

• Transfer to the airport or hotel in Puerto Maldonado.


• Airport transfer in Puerto Maldonado. • Private land and sea transportation throughout the program. • Guided tours in spanish-english. • Accomodation. • Meals at the lodge and on excursions.

Not included

• Flight to and from Puerto Maldonado. • Possibly additional overnight stay in Puerto Maldonado. • Alcoholic and bottled beverages. • Insurance. • Laundry. • Telephone. • Confirmation of flights. • Personal matters. • Tips.

Transfers between Puerto Maldonado and Posada Amazonas

• From Puerto Maldonado to the Lodge: daily at 13:00 h and 14:30 h.

• From the Lodge to Puerto Maldonado: daily at 07:00 h and 08:00 h.

Program extensions

• Flight to and from Puerto Maldonado. • Additional nights in Puerto Maldonado. • Connection to a round trip «Peru Experience». • Additional programs in other parts of Peru: Regional tours in Peru.


• Blue-headed macaw: Leslie Howle. • Orinoco goose, Capped heron, Tui parakeet, Round-tailed manakin: Murray Cooper. • Hoatzin, Blue-and-yellow macaw: Rainforest Expeditions.

Note: In order to adapt the various activities to the specific circumstances, as well as for climatic or organizational reasons, changes in the schedule can be made.


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