Regional travel in Peru – Travel program PTW-TAM014-en

Bird watching at Inotawa

6 days / 5 nights – Start: daily


Inotawa is located near the Tambopata River, in the «La Torre» sector. The accommodation is built from traditional amazonian materials such as wood, bamboo and leaf canopy and blends in harmoniously with the surrounding nature. Medicinal and ornamental plants surround the accommodation with 16 rooms (each including private toilet), dining room, bar and hammock room. Hiking trails, kayaks, bicycles and other facilities that enable a tourist service of high quality and safety, combined with social and environmental responsibility.

Day 1: Arrival in Puerto Maldonado, transfer to the lodge

Inotawa• Reception at the airport in Puerto Maldonado and transfer to the city office. Possibility to buy items that might be missing, such as batteries, raincoat, etc.

• About an hour's drive by land to Puerto Nuevo in the municipality of Infierno. On this route, different types of primeval forest can be observed, traditional planting of bananas and citrus fruits, grazing areas for livestock.

• The one and a half hour boat trip on the Tambopata begins in Puerto Nuevo.

• Entry into the buffer zone of the Tambopata National Reserve and the Bahuaja Sonene National Park. During this trip, you can get to know the flora on the shore, as well as birds that live near the water, such as orioles with their hanging nests and herons. Macaws and toucans can also fly over the path.

Inotawa• Lunch on the boat.

• Arrive in Inotawa.

• Hike the trails near Inotawa to spot birds such as the rare Rust-fronted antthrush (Formicarius rufifron), Plain-brown woodcreeper (Dendrocincla fuliginosa), White-throated antbird (Gymnopithys salvini), Black-spotted bare-eye (Phlegopsis nigromaculata), Striped woodcreeper (Xiphorhynchus obsoletus), White-lored tyrannulet (Ornithion inerme) and Slender-footed tyrannulet (Zimmerius gracilipes). Birds that prefer open spaces can be spotted in clearings, such as the Black-throated antbird (Myrmeciza atrothorax), Double-collared seedeater (Sporophila caerulescens) and the Blue-black grassquit (Volatinia jacarina).

Depending on the season, migratory birds may be encountered from the north, such as Eastern kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus), Dark-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus melacoryphus), Swainson's flycatcher (Myiarchus swainsoni), Streaked flycatcher (Myiodinastes maculatus), Double-collared seedeater (Sporophila caerulescens), White-winged becard (Pachyramphusd polychopterus).

Inotawa• Dinner.

• Explanatory talk on the activities of the program.

• Overnight in Inotawa.

Day 2: Collpa Chuncho

• Breakfast.

• Approximately 4-hour boat ride on the Tambopata river, past the La Torre and Malinowsky checkpoints, to Collpa Chuncho.

• Lunch on the boat.

• The river here branches into river arms, forming many islands with secondary forest and wide pebble beaches where Orinoco gooses and Great cormorants can be seen. While setting up camp near the parrot lick, a hike in the area in search of signs of mammals such as wild boar, tapirs and pacas (large rodents).

• Dinner at the camp.

• Conversation with the guide about the next day's activities.

• Overnight in tent camp.



Day 3: Collpa Chuncho and Collpa Colorado

• At sunrise, a 20-minute hike to the hide where you can observe the different species of parrots. The parrot lick «Collpa Chuncho» is a 10 m high escarpment on an arm of the Tambopata river, in which there are veins of clay that are important for the feeding of parrot birds (macaws, parrots and budgerigars). Representative of this parrot lick are the Scarlet macaw and the Military macaw, the largest macaw in Peru.

InotawaEach morning these birds turn up to ingest clay before feeding on the fruits of the forest. This activity, which lasts between 1 and 3 hours, is organized according to a certain order: first come the smaller species such as budgerigars and parrots, and finally the macaws. A very unusual, acoustic and colorful spectacle.

• Return to camp and breakfast.

• Boat trip from Collpa Chuncho to Collpa Colorado.

• Lunch at the camp opposite to Collpa Colorado.

• Afternoon riverside hike.

• Dinner and overnight at camp Collpa Colorado.

Day 4: Collpa Colorado

• At sunrise, cross the river by boat to visit the observation point. Hidden in the vegetation, the hustle and bustle on the collpa can be observed. «Collpa Colorado» is the largest parrot lick in the world and the only one in the Tambopata area where the Blue-headed macaw can be seen. The veins of clay necessary for the feeding of the parrot birds are located in the steep slope with red earth.

• Return to camp and breakfast.

• Return to Inotawa by boat.

• Dinner and overnight in Inotawa.



Day 5: Tres Chimbadas lake and bamboo forest

Inotawa• Breakfast.

• A 15-minute boat ride and a 40-minute walk along jungle paths from Inotawa is a water surface characteristic of the peruvian amazon region, the «Tres Chimbadas» lake. Cross the lake on a traditional catamaran to see lakeside birds such as Least grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus), Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga), Osprey (Pandion haliaetus), Pale-vented pigeon (Patagioenas cayennensis), and Little cuckoo (Coccycua minuta), Black-capped donacobius (Donacabius atricapilla) and Hoatzines that prefer lake and river banks and forest edges. You can also see herons and kingfishers, various reptiles and mammals and, above all, the much sought-after giant otter. A giant otter family, which is often seen, has its home here.

• Return to Inotawa and lunch.

• In the afternoon hike in the bamboo forest. Here you can see, among others: Peruvian recurvebill (Simoxenops ucayalae), which can open the bamboo stalks with its beak shaped like a chisel, Manu antbird (Cercomacra manu), which specializes exclusively in this habitat. This is one of two spots where the Rufous-headed woodpecker (Celeus spectabilis) has been sighted. Other bird species that prefer the bamboo forest are Bamboo antshrike (Cymbilaimus sanctaemariae), White-lined antbird (Myrmoborus lophotes), White-cheeked tody-tyrant (Poecilotriccus albifacies) and Flammulated bamboo-tyrant (Hemitriccus flammulatus). Migratory birds such as Eastern wood-pewee (Contopus virens) and Yellow-green vireo (Vireo flavoviridis) can also be found here.

• Dinner and overnight in Inotawa.



Day 6: Inotawa to Puerto Maldonado

• Breakfast.

• Return to the office in Puerto Maldonado and then transfer to the airport for the flight to Lima or Cusco.




• Airport transfer in Puerto Maldonado. • Private land and water transportation throughout the program. • Accomodation. • Meals at the lodge and at the camp.

Not included

• Flight to and from Puerto Maldonado. • Possibly additional overnight stay in Puerto Maldonado. • Alcoholic and bottled beverages. • Tips.

Program extensions

• Flight to and from Puerto Maldonado. • Connection to a round trip «Peru Experience». • Additional programs in other parts of Peru, e.g. Machu Picchu, Cusco, Lima, Lake Titicaca, Colca Valley, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Manu, Tarapoto, Chachapoyas, Huaraz, Iquitos, Pacaya-Samiria, Paracas, Ica, Nasca.

Note: In order to adapt the various activities to the specific circumstances, as well as for climatic or organizational reasons, changes in the schedule can be made.


Regionaltravel in Peru

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Paracas, Ica, Nasca
Selva Central
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